Pics 4 Passion
Using images to start conversations and capture memories
Pics 4 Passion is a personal project dedicated to supporting conversations around wellness by fostering a deeper understanding of God’s purpose for us through the art of photography.
About P4P
Starting in 2017, P4P has experienced periods of growth and setbacks. With no clear steps to move the vision forward, the founder, Hannah Jackson, took an intentional break while she figured out and prayed for guidance on the next steps. The mission has stayed the same:
To create images that allow for us to start hard conversations that need to be had. A safe space for expression of creativity, wellness and faith.
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Capture the world around you…
Whether you’re a beginner or never open the camera app on your phone, photography doesn’t need to be daunting. You don’t need a creative bone in your body to take a picture that means a lot to you. The important thing is to take that photo, which will mean a lot to you. It doesn’t need to be award-winning or audience-captivating. It just needs to spark a memory that would otherwise be harder to remember.