Sometimes, we find ourselves in situations that we can’t control and forget our simple calling.
Tag Archives: faith
One year sober
Today I am one year sober. I’ve started and stopped this post so many times now. And while I have many words I want to say, I don’t quite know how to say them yet, so I’ll leave you with this (for now). Today marks one year of intentionality. Probably one of the hardest yearsContinueContinue reading “One year sober”
All of the parts, in God’s timing
Have you ever had that moment of realization that God has been calling you and you’ve been ignoring him because you’re too scared of what’s to come? Not because it will be bad but because it will be hard and there are lots of unknowns? That has been my reality for the last few weeks…ContinueContinue reading “All of the parts, in God’s timing”